Flavia Mafra de Lima received her degree in Physiotherapy from Claretiano University in 2005, Brazil. During the four years of the degree in all the vacations period, she used to work as a voluntary physiotherapist in a General Hospital in Passos-MG, Brazil, in ambulatory and intensive care, and in a cancer hospital in Sao Paulo, Brazil, with the ambulatory patients. When she finished her degree, she did a Specialization in a Sao Francisco Hospital in Brazil working in ambulatory, UCI, and Coronary Unit Intensive Care, and at the same time she did a Pos Graduation at Claretiano University in Intensive Care. In 2010, Mafra de Lima finished her Master’s in Biomedical Engineering with an emphasis in Respiratory Medicine - Working with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) and Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT). Mafra de Lima started her Ph.D. in 2011 in Rehabilitation Science, she continued working with ARDS and LLLT but at that time, she did a dose-response investigation, which is still relevant today for all communities that works with LLLT and Lungs. In her first Post Doctoral studies, she worked with lung fibrosis and LLLT during one year at the Department of Immunology at the University of Sao Paulo -USP, Brazil. In her second Post Doctoral studies, she has been working with kidney fibrosis and LLLT at Federal University of Sao Paulo- UNIFESP, Brazil, at the Department of Immunology and Nephrology, her studies was to compare if the treatment with LLLT is effective in another type of fibrosis as detected in the lungs. Nowadays, she is Postdoctoral Fellow, at the Queen Mary University of London, at the Department of Biopharmacology, working with endogenous mediators of inflammation, with Prof. Dr. Mauro Perretti and Dr. Lucy Norling, finishing her second PostDoctoral.